Exploring The AstroTwins’ I*AM Method

THE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE by Ophira Edut and Tali Edut (known professionally as the AstroTwins) will be released on August 27, 2024, by Simon & Schuster. In its description, the book promises to serve as a spiritual science, a personality test on steroids, and a helpful inner guidance system.
The I*AM Archetype SystemTHE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE explains the I*AM system, a new personality test the AstroTwins created using astrology to optimize the way you work, relate to others, and how and where you thrive. This system was created to provide astrological insight to people who don’t know much about astrology and don’t have the time or motivation to learn it.
The system works by calculating the modalities in your birth chart and dividing them into three archetypes: Innovator, Authority, and Mavem (I*AM).
InnovatorsThese are people who are always experimenting and pushing the known limits of their lives. They have a pioneering spirit and are natural leaders. Think trailblazers, visionaries, and trendsetters. Their birth chart will comprise mostly cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
AuthoritiesThe Authorities are known to be trustworthy and full of personal responsibility. They are systemic and sensible. These are the people who keep us stable. Their birth chart will comprise mostly fixed signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
MavensThe Mavens are comfortable with change and always up for entertaining or being entertained. They are communicators and connectors. They are the world’s messengers. Natural cheerleaders. Their birth chart will comprise mostly mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
HybridsThe book claims it is rare, but there are people with hybrid archetypes. These people are incredibly versatile.
Innovator-Authority Hybrid
Innovator-Maven Hybrid
Authority-Maven Hybrid
If you know your birth chart well, you probably already know your archetype. If you’re curious, they have a quiz available on their site. It will ask you for your birthday, birthplace, and time of birth.
My archetype is Innovator, by the way.
I’ll be honest, I had my doubts about this system. Astrology has already been watered down by magazine horoscopes to only focus on people’s sun signs. Real astrology takes years to learn and decades to master. I had my doubts that you could write a book’s worth of information by reducing a birth chart to its modalities.
But on the other hand, I believe in making esoteric information accessible. It’s why I do the work that I do. People are not less deserving of the benefits of understanding their natal charts just because they don’t have the time or motivation to learn astrology. Time and motivation are privileges.
And assessing your modalities and elements can indeed provide you with more information about your personality, relationships, and talents. So their system isn’t incorrect. And if that’s all a person wants to know about their birth chart, then there is no harm in creating a system that only provides them with that information.
I was pleasantly surprised by the level of detail and applicable advice provided in this book. For example, in the Home section, The AstroTwins provide the ideal floor plan for each archetype. Sample advice: Innovators are encouraged to have very appealing interiors and surfaces to work on all their projects in all of their favorite rooms in the house.
This book covers major areas of life in detail. This includes how you can use the Astrology Advantage to choose your career, become more productive, build a team that works, find and maintain a romantic relationship, design a personal style, build healthy habits, decorate your home, and be better parents.
The book delivers in its mission to create and explain in plain English a basic system based on astrology that gives the reader insight into how to efficiently apply their energy in the areas of work, home, and relationships. I think experienced astrologers will criticize THE ASTROLOGY ADVANTAGE for watering down astrology, but non-astrologers will appreciate how easy it is to understand and apply.
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Book was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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